Saturday, May 8, 2010

That "tween" stage

I need to pack; that's a given. However, I find myself at that prepubescent "tween" stage of the move where I am totally unmotivated. Friends want me to come see their shows, meet them out-of-town, and, in general, just socialize. The tween is always ready to socialize. "Meet you for drinks? Of course!. I don't have anything on my plate right now." Meanwhile, the parental subconscious is reminding the tween that she has orphaned furniture to move into new homes and countless books to pack. The tween rebels by going out almost everyday and, when staying in, decides that she absolutely can watch a movie and pack at the same time. However, the tween really does not have the self-discipline to multi-task and winds up making appetizers to match the setting and characters of the flick. At some point the parental subconscious says, "Enough is enough, young lady!" and banishes the tween to her apartment - daring her to pick up the phone or reply to emails. The tween is officially punished.

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